Monday, January 30, 2012

Time to plant. Time to harvest.

That is exactly what I did. I missed 2 workouts last week, but Sunday morning I got up and went to Power Pump. Tonight, sore and tired, I headed to Bootcamp. I pushed myself - jumped higher, used heavier weight and kept trying to do just one more. Since I did yoga on Saturday, I am feeling like that crummy 'ole wagon got caught in a nasty windstorm, but never actually fell over and crushed me.

I harvested a lot of carrots yesterday. They were in the taller raised bed, and took a long time to mature. I realize it was because the soil is too dense, but that won't be fixed for another few months. I put in more carrots and turnips, so we should get 2 more good harvests before the spring garden goes into the ground. I have swiss chard ready to harvest, as well as more broccoli, lettuce and spinach and some beets and lettuce. Annnnd, we got our seed starting operation started - an $8.00 5 tier shelf from Craigslist, a $3 fluorescent light (with a grow bulb already in it!) from the flea market and left over pots and trays. I only seeded one flat, because we need more lights, but got 3 tomatoes, 9 peppers and 6 cucumbers started. WAHOO!!!

My potatoes are finally starting to come up! This is a stock image, but mine is just about the same size. I keep digging up one to see how they are coming along. I know, I know... But, if they aren't I need to start again! Potatoes are not very difficult to grow, and I am excited about the yield we might get!


  1. Ah, I can't wait till I can have a garden again! I used to grow radishes all the time! Iplan on growing as much stuff as I can when we have a yard again! lol

  2. Yay garden!!! I've got some lettuce and chard seeds that I need to start so I can grow some microgreens. The weather here has been very warm for winter (highs in the 40's adn 50's, lows in the 20's) and I keep thinking I can plant outdoors without any trouble. But I have a sneaking suspicion that winter will come in full force at some point, so greens will go indoors for now. Perhaps by next year I'll have a cold frame...

  3. Thanks! I love growing my own food - it's so relaxing, centering and healthy! MrsQ - you can grow stuff in windowsills, on a patio or on your front step. Maybe you could get a garden going on the base?

  4. I've tagged you in the 11 random things post. Head over to my blog to find the questions :)

  5. I'm impressed. Growing my own organic food is on my bucket list for the near future. Please keep posting info and tips for those of us that know very little about gardening!
