Saturday, July 2, 2011


It's distance day! I'm still behind on sleep and have a bit of a headache this morning so I may not have the stamina for 7 miles. I will be doing my run at the gym, which means one t'mill can give me 99 minutes. When I did my 7.02 miles last week it took me 105 minutes. I don't see myself shaving 6 minutes off my time and getting to the 7 miles, but I should come close. 

The Luna bar I had this morning around 7 has settled and now I am waiting on the risotto to move through so I can head over to the gym. My hope is that some Tylenol, Gatorade and GuChomps will serve me well for the pending 99. 



  1. these are the only luna/clif product that I really do not like !

  2. You know, I am starting to think I don't like the way they make me feel. I like the taste of them, but they seem to land like a brick in my tummy and really aggravate my heartburn.
